Exposure Therapy (ERP)

Exposure Response Prevention therapy (ERP) is used to assist people in decreasing the anxiety that fuels their obsessive thoughts and beliefs and compulsive behaviors. This kind of therapy relies on desensitization of the stimuli or trigger. This treatment is not only very effective for OCD but also for certain aspects of eating disorders, panic attacks, agoraphobia and PTSD. I use Attachment Focused Exposure Response Prevention which is client centered. This method allows you to decide the steps you want to take, as you are ready, in a hierarchical manner from easiest to hardest. This helps you work within your window of tollerance which over time helps you to find confidence in yourself and in your ability to cope with difficult situations.

Here are some symptoms you might have:

  • Anxious thoughts and beliefs that feel intollerable
  • Phobias and irrational fears
  • Compulsive Behaviors typically used to diffuse the anxiety
  • Disruption in your relationships
  • Avoidance of people places and things that trigger you
  • Feeling that you are under-living as a result of your problems
  • Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia and other intense anxiety

Recovering using ERP looks like this: 

  • Reduced frequency and intensity of anxiety
  • Reduced compulsive behaviors
  • Ability to engage in life socially and pleasurably
  • Feeling more confident in yourself and and in your abilities to cope with hard things.